Monday, January 4, 2010

Rolling Down the River: The 8th Grade on the Colorado River

For many years, the traditional end-of-year excursion in the 8th grade has been the famed Colorado River Trip, a completely self-supported journey down the Lower Colorado River.

Students paddle approximately 35 miles down the river in two-person canoes, transporting their own food and gear throughout the journey.

The trip can be strenuous, with the hot desert temperatures (often as high as 100ºF in mid-May) daunting, but the beauty of the surroundings and the excitement of the challenge make it a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

“The trip is really a culmination of the eighth graders’ entire Willows experience,” notes Middle School Director Doug Klier, who has chaperoned the trip for nearly a decade. “They’re away from the distractions of their everyday lives, and they have a final opportunity to bond as a group and reflect on the experiences they’ve shared over the years. It’s really incredible.”

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